
Farewell, MKE

Handlettered type says "Farewell for now" over an image of a sunrise on a highway

Ope! Just like that, we’re on our way. After spending a week and a half with my parents in Franklin, James and I are now in Bloomington visiting his parents.

Leaving the city I grew up in and have lived in my whole life was hard. There were lots of tears. But our family and friends made it memorable and special by feeding us lots of good food and playing games with us (the way to my heart). We’ll be back at the end of May to visit my newborn nephew and go to a wedding but it still feels so permanent when all your stuff is packed up in a basement and you hit the road. To pay homage to the great city of Milwaukee, here are the top ten things I’ll miss the most.

  1. The obvious: family and friends. I love you guys.

  2. Lake Michigan.

  3. Cheese curds and custard. Specifically, cheese curds from Lakefront, Stubby’s and Crafty Cow, and custard from Kopp’s and Leon’s. I recently had a conversation about how you know you’re getting older when butter pecan becomes your favorite custard flavor. Let’s just say I’m officially older now.

  4. The arts scene. The music, the small, close-knit art and design community, the museums, the murals, all of it.

  5. The way it feels like you’re part of the sunset when you’re driving on the Hoan Bridge.

  6. Summerfest. I think I’ve gone pretty much every year since I can remember (apart from 2020 when it was canceled) and I worked there for six years. It’s going to be weird not going this year.

  7. Beer. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of good beer everywhere you go, but nothing hits quite like a Happy Place or a Moon Man, both of which are only available in Wisconsin (I think. Someone please feel free to prove me wrong if this is false).

  8. County Clare Irish Pub. And lots of other bars in Milwaukee—but this one will forever be my favorite. I chose my first apartment after college based on its proximity to this bar, played pub trivia there almost every week for 3 years, spent plenty of St. Patrick’s Days there, and have one of my last memories with my grandpa there. It’s a wonderful place.

  9. Seeing someone I know every time I leave the house.

  10. Wisconsin sports. Love my Bucks, Brewers, and Packers and will always remember how it felt to be in the Deer District watching the Bucks win the NBA Championship last summer.

And those are just the first few that things that come to mind. I’ll miss ya, Milwaukee. It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later. Tell your folks I says hi and watch out for deer.

Maggie Butler