The theme of this blog post is “time flies.” It feels like just yesterday we were embarking on the journey around the country. Now we’re done with our year of travel and we’re decompressing and reflecting on the past year. James and I are currently in Bloomington at his parents’ house catsitting (although I just took a short weekend trip to Milwaukee to help out with family stuff and am in Chicago dogsitting now). We plan to be in Milwaukee from late July-December on a short-term lease. Then we’ll decide where we want to live!
One thing that James and I tried to do when planning our cross-country road trip was build in some time to stop back home. Obviously because we miss our families but also because we’re at the age when all of our friends are getting married. Plus we wanted to meet my little baby nephew, Bennett! After a lovely time in Raleigh, we made our way toward Bloomington and then Milwaukee for Memorial Day weekend. More than a whole year ago! Time flies.
Benny sleeping in 2022.
Benny sleeping in 2023.
It was great to see the our families and the kitties again. Time in Bloomington is always a blessing (I’m actually writing this from there now!). It’s such a peaceful, lovely home that James grew up in with lots of pretty birds, bunnies and deer in the backyard, thanks to Kate’s native plant garden. Thankfully, Marine didn’t forget who we were and she was happy to see us. At this point, she was still learning to get along with the other cats. It was quite the journey for her. We’re grateful to Kate and Steve for their patience with her throughout the past year and for treating her so well. In true pet-grandparent fashion, they spoil her and I’m reluctant to report that one year later she basically runs the house. 😉 Time flies.
Marine in 2022 helping me work. She spent most of her time in the guest bedroom back then.
Marine in 2023 much more comfortable and confident in the house.
Back in Milwaukee, we enjoyed time with my parents playing games, sitting on the patio, and hanging out with our family dog, Murphy, who is almost 15 and still kicking it. Most importantly, I got to hold Benny for the first time. I was overcome with emotion immediately when I saw him. It’s just so cool to see your brother become a parent. I’ll never forget how excited he looked to introduce us to his son. Looking back at the photos, it’s hard to believe how fast that little guy has grown! He’s now walking and talking and demanding food. We celebrated his first birthday last month. It’s really a reminder of how fast time flies. I never want to take it for granted.
Holding Benny for the first time in 2022.
Celebrating Benny’s 1st birthday in 2023.
Last summer we celebrated a first birthday for my friends Erin and Eric’s daughter, Evelyn. A Memorial Day baby, we knew that we’d be home in time to see her and celebrate. This year, we went to her 2nd birthday party and once again I was blown away by how fast time flies. It felt like just yesterday we were celebrating her turning one. Now Erin and Eric have another baby, Sybil, who I can’t wait to meet later this summer.
Evelyn’s 1st birthday party (chill patio brunch)
Evelyn’s 2nd birthday party (party with Evie’s friends, cake, AND a bounce house!)
I participated in an art show during Bay View Gallery Night at my favorite vintage store in Milwaukee, Alive and Fine. This was my second time participating and the theme was Nickelodeon. A whole year later, I participated again last month and the theme this time was mall culture. Both very nostalgic themes and reminders of how fast… say it with me… time flies.
My Nickelodeon-inspired piece from the 2022 Alive and Fine art show.,
My mall culture-inspired piece from the 2023 Alive and Fine art show.
We went to a wedding in June last year for my friends Katie and Mike. I met them when I worked at Summerfest (2010-2016). The wedding was a lot of fun and it was great to reconnect with my Summerfest friends. We had one minor hiccup when the shuttle bus back to the hotel broke down and we were stranded on the side of a state road in the middle of Richfield, Wisconsin. For those who haven’t been there, it’s certainly not the middle of nowhere but it’s not exactly within Uber/Lyft range. An officer pulled over to help us and offered to take anyone sober enough to drive back to their cars. Unfortunately, the only person who met that qualification was the groom himself. He probably didn’t think he’d be driving his guests back to the hotel on his wedding night but at least it was a memorable experience! James and I eventually got an Uber to drive out there and take us back. Definitely a wedding for the books! A whole year later and Mike and Katie have a BABY that I can’t wait to meet and more of our friends are getting married. Funny how different things are just one year later. Time flies.
This year, we attended our first wedding of the year in June for my friends Tom and Emily. I was in the wedding party and it was so much fun! Saving Emily’s Google Doc for future use (no this is not an engagement announcement). We have 3 more weddings to attend this summer and fall, hence the sticking around the midwest for the rest of the year.
Dressed up for our friends’ Katie and Mike’s wedding in 2022.
Dressed up for our friends’ Tom and Emily’s wedding in 2023.
Before we left for our next leg of the trip, we went to Chicago for my cousin Sadie’s 7th birthday party. As I’m sure you’ve been able to guess with the theme now, this month we were at her 8th birthday party a whole year later. What I didn’t know at the time of Sadie’s 7th birthday was that it would be the last time I would see my grandma in person. I remember James and I standing up and feeling ready to hit the road so we could make it to our next stop in Michigan without driving in the dark and my grandma pulled my arm down and said, “you’re not leaving yet! I want to hear more about your trip!” I’m so grateful that she did that. Maybe she knew there was a chance it would be the last time we got to talk to each other face to face. She told me how happy she was that I was doing this year of traveling and told me to keep calling her with updates. I wish I could freeze time or turn back the clock and go back to that moment. I wish I could tell her about all the rest of our travels since. Cherish every moment you have with your loved ones because time really does fly by.
James holding Benny in 2022.
James holding Benny in 2023.